About Us

The association:

Dag Hammarskjölds Allé 19, 2.tv.
2100 København Ø.
Mail: admin@sclerose.info
Tel.: 33 13 33 97
Sclerose.info er en forening stiftet i september 2002.


"Its aim is to disseminate knowledge and understanding of multiple sclerosis and disease impacts, so as to improve conditions and opportunities sclerosis affected and their relatives in Denmark.

In addition, it Sclerose.infos goal to constantly providing the latest information about the disease, its impact, research into treatments and care, so as to improve sclerosis sufferers opportunities to take better position to illness, treatment, future life and overall situation. "

The Association has some important values, which are:

"... It is about living"
It is very important that we increase the human in the debate surrounding sclerosis.
Everybody who has Multiple Sclerosis know how important it is that the human brings. Sclerosis difficulty is not just a group of sick people, but people with their own history.

"Patient choice"
We believe that one should give sclerosis hit all the relevant information that they then can make their own choices.
We believe of course that you have to ask questions and seek advice and guidance. This is best if you have a starting point - a knowledge to base its questions on.

We believe that information and knowledge could enhance one's ability to act and resolve, thereby enhancing the sclerosis sufferers conditions.

"You are not restricted even if you have multiple sclerosis"
Once you get sclerosis, happens a lot especially mentally.
We believe it is important to get the message that you are not limited to people. The possibilities are still numerous and large. It may be you have to go a different route to reach them or see new opportunities emerge.

Sclerose.info works with other word for it hit sclerosis and their relatives.
We have decided that it must happen in a positive spirit and mood, because although it is very serious, you should be able to remain happy and positive, and life is still bubbling.

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